
GNU/Linux man pages

Livre :
Expressions régulières,
Syntaxe et mise en oeuvre :

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9712-4
EAN : 9782746097124
(Editions ENI)


RedHat 5.2







postmaster - run the Postgres postmaster


postmaster [-B n_buffers] [-D data_dir] [-S] [-a system]

[-b backend_pathname] [-d [debug_level]] [-i] [-n]
[-o backend_options] [-p port] [-s]


The postmaster manages the communication between frontend and backend processes, as well as allocating the shared buffer pool and semaphores (on machines without a test-and-set instruction). The postmaster does not itself interact with the user and should be started as a background process. Only one postmaster should be run on a machine.

The postmaster understands the following command-line options:

n_buffers is the number of shared-memory buffers for the postmaster to allocate and manage for the backend server processes that it starts. This value defaults to 64, and each buffer is 8k bytes.

-D data_dir

Specifies the directory to use as the root of the tree of database directories. This directory uses the value of the environment variable PGDATA. If PGDATA is not set, then the directory used is $POSTGRESHOME /data. If neither environment variable is set and this command-line option is not specified, the default directory that was set at compile-time is used.


Specifies that the postmaster process should start up in silent mode. That is, it will disassociate from the user’s (controlling) tty and start its own process group. This should not be used in combination with debugging options because any messages printed to standard output and standard error are discarded.

-a system

Specifies whether or not to use the authentication system system (see pgintro(1)) for frontend applications to use in connecting to the postmaster process. Specify system to enable a system, or nosystem to disable a system. For example, to permit users to use Kerberos authentication, use -a kerberos; to deny any unauthenticated connections, use -a nounauth . This option no longer has any effect.

-b backend_pathname

backend_pathname is the full pathname of the Postgres backend server executable file that the postmaster will invoke when it receives a connection from a frontend application. If this option is not used, then the postmaster tries to find this executable file in the directory in which its own executable is located (this is done by looking at the pathname under which the postmaster was invoked. If no pathname was specified, then the PATH environment variable is searched for an executable named “postgres”).

-d [debug_level]

The optional argument debug_level determines the amount of debugging output the backend servers will produce. If debug_level is one, the postmaster will trace all connection traffic, and nothing else. For levels two and higher, debugging is turned on in the backend process and the postmaster displays more information, including the backend environment and process traffic. Note that if no file is specified for backend servers to send their debugging output then this output will appear on the controlling tty of their parent postmaster.


This enables TCP/IP or Internet domain socket communication. Without this option, only local Unix domain socket communication is possible.

-n, -s

The -s and -n options control the behavior of the postmaster when a backend dies abnormally. Neither option is intended for use in ordinary operation.

The ordinary strategy for this situation is to notify all other backends that they must terminate and then reinitialize the shared memory and semaphores. This is because an errant backend could have corrupted some shared state before terminating.

If the -s option is supplied, then the postmaster will stop all other backend processes by sending the signal SIGSTOP, but will not cause them to terminate. This permits system programmers to collect core dumps from all backend processes by hand.

If the -n option is supplied, then the postmaster does not reinitialize shared data structures. A knowledgable system programmer can then use the shmemdoc program to examine shared memory and semaphore state.

-o backend_options

The postgres(1) options specified in backend_options are passed to all backend server processes started by this postmaster. If the option string contains any spaces, the entire string must be quoted.

-p port

Specifies the TCP/IP port or local Unix domain socket file extension on which the postmaster is to listen for connections from frontend applications. Defaults to 5432, or the value of the PGPORT environment variable (if set). If you specify a port other than the default port then all frontend application users must specify the same port (using command-line options or PGPORT ) when starting any libpq application, including psql.


If at all possible, do not use SIGKILL when killing the postmaster. SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGTERM (the default signal for kill(1)) should be used instead. Hence, avoid
kill -KILL
or its alternative form
kill -9
as this will prevent the postmaster from freeing the system resources (e.g., shared memory and semaphores) that it holds before dying. This prevents you from having to deal with the problem with shmat(2) described below.


# start postmaster using default values
nohup postmaster >logfile 2>&1 &

This command will start up postmaster on the default port (5432) and will search $PATH to find an executable file called “postgres”. This is the simplest and most common way to start the postmaster.

# start with specific port and executable name
nohup postmaster -p -b /usr/postgres/bin/postgres &

This command will start up a postmaster communicating through the port 1234, and will attempt to use the backend located at “/usr/postgres/bin/postgres”. In order to connect to this postmaster using psql, you would need to either specify -p 1234 on the psql command-line or set the environment variable PGPORT to 1234.


ipcs(1), ipcrm(1), ipcclean(1), psql(1), postgres(1),


FindBackend: could not find a backend to execute...

If you see this message, you do not have the postgres executable in your path. Add the directoy in which postgres resides to your path.

semget: No space left on device

If you see this message, you should run the ipcclean command. After doing this, try starting the postmaster again. If this still doesn’t work, you probably need to configure your kernel for shared memory and semaphores as described in the installation notes. If you run multiple postmasters on a single host, or have reduced the shared memory and semaphore parameters from the defaults in the generic kernel, you may have to go back and increase the shared memory and semaphores configured into your kernel.

StreamServerPort: cannot bind to port

If you see this message, you should be certain that there is no other postmaster process already running. The easiest way to determine this is by using the command
ps -ax | grep postmaster
on BSD-based systems
ps -e | grep postmast
(the equivalent syntax is on System V-like or POSIX-compliant systems such as HP-UX). If you are sure that no other postmaster processes are running and you still get this error, try specifying a different port using the -p option. You may also get this error if you terminate the postmaster and immediately restart it using the same port; in this case, you must simply wait a few seconds until the operating system closes the port before trying again. Finally, you may get this error if you specify a port number that your operating system considers to be reserved. For example, many versions of Unix consider port numbers under 1024 to be “trusted” and only permit the Unix superuser to access them.

IpcMemoryAttach: shmat() failed: Permission denied

A likely explanation is that another user attempted to start a postmaster process on the same port which acquired shared resources and then died. Since Postgres shared memory keys are based on the port number assigned to the postmaster, such conflicts are likely if there is more than one installation on a single host. If there are no other postmaster processes currently running (see above), run ipcclean and try again. If other postmasters are running, you will have to find the owners of those processes to coordinate the assignment of port numbers and/or removal of unused shared memory segments.
