
GNU/Linux man pages

Livre :
Expressions régulières,
Syntaxe et mise en oeuvre :

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9712-4
EAN : 9782746097124
(Editions ENI)


Debian 7.2.0







NetworkManager.conf − NetworkManager configuration file


where <SYSCONFDIR> depends on your distribution or build.


NetworkManager.conf is a configuration file for NetworkManager. It is used to set up various aspects of NetworkManager’s behavior. The location of the file may be changed through use of the "−−config=" argument for NetworkManager (8).


The configuration file format is so-called key file (sort of ini-style format). It consists of sections (groups) of key-value pairs. Lines beginning with a ’#’ and blank lines are considered comments. Sections are started by a header line containing the section enclosed in ’[’ and ’]’, and ended implicitly by the start of the next section or the end of the file. Each key-value pair must be contained in a section.
Minimal system settings configuration file looks like this:


Description of sections and available keys follows:

This section is the only mandatory section of the configuration file.
plugin1,plugin2, ...

List system settings plugin names separated by ’,’. These plugins are used to read/write system-wide connection. When more plugins are specified, the connections are read from all listed plugins. When writing connections, the plugins will be asked to save the connection in the order listed here. If the first plugin cannot write out that connection type, or can’t write out any connections, the next plugin is tried. If none of the plugins can save the connection, the error is returned to the user.

Available plugins:

plugin is the generic plugin that supports all the connection types and capabilities that NetworkManager has. It writes files out in a .ini-style format in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. For security, it will ignore files that are readable or writeable by any user or group other than root since private keys and passphrases may be stored in plaintext inside the file.


plugin is used on the Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions to read and write configuration from the standard /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files. It currently supports reading wired, WiFi, and 802.1x connections, but does not yet support reading or writing mobile broadband, PPPoE, or VPN connections. To allow reading and writing of these add keyfile plugin to your configuration as well.


plugin is used on the Debian and Ubuntu distributions, and reads connections from /etc/network/interfaces. Since it cannot write connections out (that support isn’t planned), it is usually paired with the keyfile plugin to enable saving and editing of new connections. The ifupdown plugin supports basic wired and WiFi connections, including WPA-PSK.


plugin is only provided for simple backward compatibility with SUSE and OpenSUSE configuration. Most setups should be using the keyfile plugin instead. The ifcfg−suse plugin supports reading wired and WiFi connections, but does not support saving any connection types.

dhcp=dhclient | dhcpcd

This key sets up what DHCP client NetworkManager will use. Presently dhclient and dhcpcd are supported. The client configured here should be available on your system too. If this key is missing, available DHCP clients are looked for in this order: dhclient, dhcpcd.

no-auto-default=<hwaddr>,<hwaddr>,... | *

Set devices for which NetworkManager shouldn’t create default wired connection (Auto eth0). NetworkManager creates a default wired connection for any wired device that is managed and doesn’t have a connection configured. List a device in this option to inhibit creating the default connection for the device.
When the default wired connection is deleted or saved to a new persistent connection by a plugin, the MAC address of the wired device is automatically added to this list to prevent creating the default connection for that device again. Devices are specified by their MAC addresses, in lowercase. Multiple entries are separated by commas. You can use the glob character * instead of listing addresses to specify all devices.

dns=plugin1,plugin2, ...

List DNS plugin names separated by ’,’. DNS plugins are used to provide local caching nameserver functionality (which speeds up DNS queries) and to push DNS data to applications that use it.

Available plugins:

this plugin uses dnsmasq to provide local caching nameserver functionality.

This section contains keyfile-specific options and thus only has effect when using keyfile plugin.

Set a persistent hostname when using the keyfile plugin.


Set devices that should be ignored by NetworkManager when using the keyfile plugin. Devices are specified in the following format: "mac:<hwaddr>", where <hwaddr> is MAC address of the device to be ignored, in hex-digits-and-colons notation. Multiple entries are separated by a semicolon. No spaces are allowed in the value.

This section contains ifupdown-specific options and thus only has effect when using ifupdown plugin.
false | true

Controls whether interfaces listed in the ’interfaces’ file are managed by NetworkManager. If set to true, then interfaces listed in /etc/network/interfaces are managed by NetworkManager. If set to false, then any interface listed in /etc/network/interfaces will be ignored by NetworkManager. Remember that NetworkManager controls the default route, so because the interface is ignored, NetworkManager may assign the default route to some other interface. When the option is missing, false value is taken as default.

This section controls NetworkManager’s logging. Any settings here are overridden by the −−log−level and −−log−domains command-line options.

One of [ERR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG]. The ERR level logs only critical errors. WARN logs warnings that may reflect operation. INFO logs various informational messages that are useful for tracking state and operations. DEBUG enables verbose logging for debugging purposes. Subsequent levels also log all messages from earlier levels; thus setting the log level to INFO also logs error and warning messages.

domains=<domain1>,<domain2>, ...

The following log domains are available: [NONE, HW, RFKILL, ETHER, WIFI, BT, MB, DHCP4, DHCP6, PPP, WIFI_SCAN, IP4, IP6, AUTOIP4, DNS, VPN, SHARING, SUPPLICANT, AGENTS, SETTINGS, SUSPEND, CORE, DEVICE, OLPC, WIMAX]. When "NONE" is given by itself, logging is disabled.

HW = Hardware related operations
RFKILL = RFKill subsystem operations
ETHER = Ethernet device operations
WIFI = Wi-Fi device operations
BT = Bluetooth
MB = Mobile Broadband
DHCP4 = DHCP for IPv4
DHCP6 = DHCP for IPv6
PPP = Point-to-point protocol operations
WIFI_SCAN = Wi-Fi scanning operations
IP4 = Domain for IPv4 logging
IP6 = Domain for IPv6 logging
AUTOIP4 = AutoIP (avahi) operations
DNS = Domain Name System related operations
VPN = Virtual Private Network connections and operaions
SHARING = Connection sharing
SUPPLICANT = WPA supplicant related operations
AGENTS = Secret agents operations and communication
SETTINGS = Settings/config service operations
SUSPEND = Suspend/resume
CORE = Core daemon operations
DEVICE = Activation and general interface operations
OLPC = OLPC Mesh device operations
WIMAX = Wimax device operations

This section controls NetworkManager’s optional connectivity checking functionality. This allows NetworkManager to detect whether or not the system can actually access the internet or whether it is behind a captive portal.

The URI of a web page to periodically request when connectivity is being checked. This page should return the header "X-NetworkManager-Status" with a value of "online". Alternatively, it’s body content should be set to "NetworkManager is online". The body content check can be controlled by the response option. If this option is blank or missing, connectivity checking is disabled.


Controls how often connectivity is checked when a network connection exists. If set to 0 connectivity checking is disabled. If missing, the default is 300 seconds.


If set controls what body content NetworkManager checks for when requesting the URI for connectivity checking. If missing, defaults to "NetworkManager is online"



NetworkManager(8), nmcli(1), nm−tool(1), nm−online(1).
