
GNU/Linux man pages

Livre :
Expressions régulières,
Syntaxe et mise en oeuvre :

ISBN : 978-2-7460-9712-4
EAN : 9782746097124
(Editions ENI)


CentOS 2.1AS







nash − script interpretor to interpret linuxrc images


nash [--force] script


nash is a very simple script interpretor designed to be as small as possible. It is primarily designed to run simple linuxrc scripts on an initrd image. Arguments to commands may be enclosed in either single or double quotes to allow spaces to be included in the arguments. Spaces outside of quotations always delineate arguments, and so backslash escaping is supported.

Additionally, if nash is invoked as modprobe, it will immediately exit with a return code of zero. This is to allow initrd’s to prevent some extraneous kernel error messages during startup.

There are two types of commands, built in and external. External commands are run from the filesystem via execve(). If commands names are given without a path, nash will search it’s builtin PATH, which is /usr/bin, /bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin.

Currently, nash supports the following built in commands.
echo [item]* [>

Echos the text strings given to a file, with a space in between each item. The output may be optionally redirected to a file.

exec <command> The command given is execed, overlaying the nash process.

losetup /dev/loopdev file

Binds file to the loopback device /dev/loopdev. See losetup(8) for information on loopback devices.

mkdir [-p] path Creates the directory path. If -p is specified, this command will not complain if the directory exists. Note this is a subset of the standard mkdir -p behavior.

mkrootdev path

Makes path a block inode for the device whose device number is /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev.

mount [--ro] -t type device mntpoint

Mounts a filesystem. It does not support NFS, and it must be used in exactly the form given above. If --ro is given, the filesystem is mounted read only.

pivot_root newrootpath oldrootpath

Makes the filesystem mounted at newrootpath the new root filesystem, and mounts the current root filesystem as oldrootpath.

raidautorun mddevice

Runs raid autodetection on all raid-typed partitions. mddevice must be a raid device (any will do).

umount path

Unmounts the filesystem mounted at path.



Allows force really execute the script, even though nash doesn’t appear to be running from an initrd image.


Probably many. nash is not a shell, and it shouldn’t be though of as one. It isn’t entirely different from a shell, but that’s mostly by accident.


Erik Troan <ewt@redhat.com>
